Starshine by Ami
Starshine by Ami

Welcome to Starshine by Ami

Be A Shining Star!

Why You Should Join Me

As above, so below.  We’re living in turbulent and chaotic times on all levels; personally, socially, environmentally and politically.  

And for many people there can be an intense feeling of confusion and frustration. Do you feel as though you’ve lost your personal compass showing you the way forward? All of the advanced technology promises to make you more intelligent and efficient. But what about the connection to your Divine GPS Navigator, so that you can receive the guidance you need to tune in with your soul and spirit, and know which direction to go on your journey? 


And what is your Divine GPS Navigator, anyway? This is your soul’s blueprint that was created at the moment you were born. 

It is defined by the time, date, and location of your birth, as well as the exact planetary positions that were situated in the heavens at that time. These planets’ relationships with each other, as well as with your physical body, are how your blueprint or Divine GPS Navigator was created. If you learn to use this unique tool wisely, it will help guide you through the many opportunities and challenges you experience in ‘this dance called life’.

And you will be able to do it with far greater ease and precision, than those who proceed ahead without a guide. 

And after many years of experience, I trust that when you begin to reach for the wisdom of the stars with your feet planted firmly on the earth, you will be able to live a higher quality of life, than you ever imagined was possible.

Astrology is the study of the planetary energies, and the patterns that occur through their movements in the event.  

It’s been used to help us understand things in the mundane world such as natural phenomenon and political events by many monarchs and other political leaders, as well as a much deeper wisdom revealed to us by many spiritual teachers. However, it’s also illuminating to view our world history and our consciousness through the lens of astrology.

This enables us to see the correlation between these outer events, and how we have evolved as human beings.

In addition, we can recognize the profound impact that we’ve had upon one another, as well as upon our planet. Using astrology provides us with a deeper and broader perspective of life as we know it. Yet it’s also known as the Divine GPS Navigator, because it contains the blueprint of your soul’s mission in this lifetime. 

Just as astronomy is gaining more credibility, astrology is an interpretive arm of astronomy.  They are part of the same celestial system, and can’t be separated.

While astronomers often feel threatened by astrology, both astronomy and astrology are like two sides of the same coin. Since our planetary system is constantly changing and evolving, we can see from both our global and personal experiences, the tremendous power of these influences.  And just as the full moon, which has a magnetic effect upon our ocean tides, these planetary configurations create a blueprint at birth. This is a scientifically based blueprint that can also be viewed as a Divine GPS Navigator.

One can use this blueprint as a roadmap to maximize the benefits of these benevolent energies and learn how to steer through the difficult periods with greater ease.

Now people realize it’s essential to develop more skills than intellectual intelligence, and that an IQ test has no ability to measure a human being’s true potential. The key is to remain open minded so you are able to benefit from this powerful information.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

Dane Rudhyar was one of the first astrologers in the U.S. to introduce the concept of transformation of consciousness through astrology.

He was deeply influenced by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones who developed the Sabian Symbols. The Sabian Symbols are a set of 360 phrases of words that correspond with each of the 360 degrees of the wheel of the zodiac. Each one of these symbols contains both a story and a unique energy field of its own. The images also hold meaning for those degrees of the signs.

It was the first time in history that a group of highly intelligent writers, with a wide variety of psychological, spiritual, artistic, and scientific backgrounds, worked together to help redefine astrology. They wanted to help change the perception from it being considered as a fortune telling parlor game, to being a serious field of study.  

And this shift in consciousness enabled other astrologers to help individuals develop their true soul’s potential through the birth chart interpretation, and optimize their life cycles to their greatest advantage. In addition, well respected professionals in the field of psychology began to study astrology and incorporate it into their work with clients. As a result, astrology became recognized as an important contributor to both the fields of metaphysics and to the personal development movement in the U.S. and throughout the world.

“Many of the ancient people had some system of examining the heavens for divinatory purposes, such as the Native Americans, Greeks, people from India”, [1]  and as well as the Egyptians, Babylonians, and the high Celtic Priests (also known as Druids) who built Stonehenge.


Even though they were deeply connected to the heavens and natural rhythms as part of their everyday life, there is no evidence that they had begun the actual practice of using horoscopes to predict events in the mundane world.


Although there are a number of theories written about when horoscopic astrology first appeared, history shows evidence that it occurred in Egypt, Babylon, and Mesopotamia through the cuneiform tablets discovered that resembled horoscopes.


And one of the defining moments occurred when Cyril Fagan, a famous astrologer, from Ireland, who lived in Great Britain, wrote about Western Sidereal Astrology as early as 1948. He noted the discovery of the cuneiform tablets found in ancient Babylon with astrological calculations written on them.


In addition, Rudolf Steiner, a social reformer, architect, economist and esotericist, from Austria, reintroduced Western Sidereal Astrology in conjunction with his writings about Astrosophy and Waldorf School educational curriculum in the early 1900’s until his death in 1925.


Hippocrates, the Greek physician born in 460 BCE, who is regarded as the father of medicine, insisted that his students study astrology.


He said, "He who does not understand astrology is not a doctor but a fool." He would always consult the patient’s birth chart before treating them, to make sure it was a safe time to perform the various surgical procedures and help assure them of a more successful outcome.


Great souls such as this understood the power and accuracy of the mundane events, and how using them could help move people’s lives in a more positive direction.


Even now, there are reports showing the incidence of heavy bleeding if surgical procedures are performed during a full moon, for example. However, as science and material development rose in importance, the spiritual aspect of life became less important throughout the ages.


In fact, Ptolemy, born in 90 AD, read many of Hipparchus’ earlier discoveries about the equinoxes, who was alive 300 years before him, and declared that astrology should be based upon the vernal equinoxes.


And through this momentous decision, he launched the new field of Tropical Astrology.


Since that time, it has been considered the primary field of astrology studied in most areas of the world, with the exception of India, which still primarily uses Vedic Astrology, also known as Eastern Sidereal Astrology.


Some astrologers recognized that true Sidereal Astrology had been always based upon the stars and constellations.

 And that as the earth’s procession was acknowledged, and the fact that the constellations continued moving westward in the heavens, there was now a 24-degree difference in the two systems of astrology. However, very few astrologers have acknowledged this difference and the majority of them in the western world continue to practice Tropical Astrology.


Astrology has been used for many years in Asia to help choose the best time for taking action and making decisions in one’s daily life.


However, few people realize astrology is a Divine Science that combines both aspects of research and evidence, as well as a rich language to help interpret people’s mission in life, social and emotional intelligence, and their unique personality traits.


For example, when someone has the Moon, which represents our emotions and deep unconscious, in a pattern that comes in contact with Venus, which represents our relationships and values, it is inevitable that there will be an event or life lesson(s) involving a loved one which will evoke a deep emotional response.  These experiences help us grow and mature as individuals. Regardless of how one responds to the event, this can be mathematically predicted that some event of this nature is likely to occur.


Furthermore, the way the actual degrees between which the planets interact can determine whether this is likely to be a harmonious or disharmonious experience.


In other words, is this likely to make your life easier or more stressful? The key is to learn how to integrate the spiritual, mental, and physical aspects of this profound Divine Science into your consciousness, and allow it to transform you day by day in subtle and not so subtle ways.